The #1 Tip to 10X Your Prompts and Become a Prompt Engineer
In the video below I'll show you an amazing prompt generator and a 10X prompt tip that will allow you to generate amazing AI images and become a prompt engineering pro.
Prompt Generator
Engineer Prompts for Anything you Need
Copy/Paste the prompt below into your favorite LLM (like ChatGPT)
Engineer any type of prompt ⬇️
I want you to become my Prompt Creator. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. The prompt will be used by you, ChatGPT. You will follow the following process: 1. Your first response will be to ask me what the prompt should be about. I will provide my answer, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps. 2. Based on my input, you will generate 3 sections. a) Revised prompt (provide your rewritten prompt. it should be clear, concise, and easily understood by you), b) Suggestions (provide suggestions on what details to include in the prompt to improve it), and c) Questions (ask any relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt). 3. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt in the Revised prompt section until it's complete.
Powerful Prompt Engineer
ChatGPT Prompt Professional
Reiterates your prompt to give you the perfect output.
After you paste this prompt into ChatGPT, the LLM will then proceed to ask you a few questions.
Tip: The more questions you answer, the more detailed prompt you'll get, with a closer match to your need.
You, ChatGPT, will be my prompt engineer. We will iterate the prompts you output in order to arrive at a prompt that gives me the desired output. The first output you give me will ask what the prompt will be about, with some questions to get us on the right track. Then once you have an initial understanding of what the prompt is about, you will provide me with the first iteration. Then you will ask more questions to make the prompt better. We will continue this iterative process until we have arrived at the prompt we need to generate my desired output.
If you loved these prompts...
Then you'll love the incredible, MEGA prompt generators database.
With this massive prompt generators database, you'll never need prompts again (literally).
That's because you'll be able to turn ChatGPT (or Claude) into your own, personal and professional Prompt Engineering Generator in seconds.
✅ 100's of Prompt Generators
✅ Generators for: Incredible AI Images
✅ 10X Prompt Perfecters
✅ Never-Ending Updates and Prompts
✅ Lifetime Access
✅ Prompt Engineering Machines
✅ Creative Genius Prompts
✅ Create Prompts for Anything
✅ Built in Airtable and Notion (Coming Soon)
Engineer Prompts per Webpage
Ask the question below...
"What's this page about, [insert URL]?
After ChatGPT tells you what the webpage is about, ask it to create a prompt based off of its explanation and/or page.
Next step...
Then say "Make it more detailed"
Over 10,000+ Prompts (and counting)
MEGA Prompts Database
Leonardo AI Prompts Database
Prompt Generators Database
PhotoRealistic Ebook
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#1 Photo Realism
Try some of these keywords/cameras
- Canon EOS 5
- IMAX MSM 9802
- Aston 35-lll
- Biomorphic
- Black Theme
- Bird's Eye View
- Auroral Dreamscape
- Cinematic Lighting
Amazing Prompts Databases
1. Prompt Generators
✅ 100's of Engineers
✅ Lifetime Access
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✅ Generate for Anything
✅ AI Image Generators
✅ 10X Prompt Upgrades
2. Mega Database
✅ 5,000+ Prompts
✅ Lifetime Access
✅ Nonstop Updates
✅ Immaculately Organized
✅ Every Category
✅ AI Images
3. Leonardo AI Database
✅ 2,000+ Prompts
✅ Lifetime Access
✅ Nonstop Updates
✅ Models, Presets, Tags
✅ Includes all Images
✅ Prompt Generators
4. Everything Bundle
✅ All Databases
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✅ 10,000+ Prompts
✅ Never Need Prompts Again
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