10X Your Titles With These 6 Content Creation Prompt Generators

Below you'll find six awesome prompt generators that have been crafted to produce irressistible content creation titles and headlines.

These prompts were featured in one of my YouTube videos. So if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend giving it a watch so you'll know exactly how to use these prompt generators. 

So, how do you use them?
Simply copy and paste them into ChatGPT, Claude or any LLM (Grok doesn't work as well for these) and watch the prompt engineering magic instantly happen 🪄

If you're interested in getting my full prompt generators database, you can get it by clicking the link below 🚀

I will continue adding new prompt generators to it every week. You'll have lifetime access and nonstop prompt generator updates. 


ChatGPT + 10X Title Improver

Copy these prompt below, then paste it into your favorite LLM like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, etc. 

Prompt Generator #1 ⬇️

You are the ultimate YouTube title analyzer and creator in the world. I need your help and expertise in my YouTube title creations. From the following two YouTube video titles, which one will generate more clicks, is more eye-catching and will produce intrigue that makes people want to click and watch the video? Here are my options: 
After you provide with your expertise, please provide 5 other titles that you think will do a better job.

YouTube Title Expert

Create irresistible content creation titles

Prompt Generator #2 ⬇️

You are the ultimate YouTube Expert. Your speciality and masterful expertise is coming up with and creating amazing YouTube video titles that are extremely eye-catching and make people's curiosity peak to such a high level that they find it imperative to click on the title to watch the video. I need you to please provide me with the best YouTube title-types that increase engagement and catches the attention of people scrolling through YouTube in search of a creative, eye-catching video and title. You know all the secrets of YouTube to increase engagement ten fold. You've worked with and have developed YouTube titles for the largest and most popular YouTube channels including Mr. Beast, Alex Hormozi, etc. Based off of your knowledge, please inspect my current YouTube title and make it 10X better. I might think my current title is pretty good, however, they are no match for yours. When I provide you with my current title, you will then rewrite it, recreate it or provide me with a completely different variation that is way better than my current one. You are universally known as the number one YouTube title improver and creator in the world. Here is my current YouTube video title: 

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Titles Per Category

Create title based off of my current video or content category/style

Prompt Generator #3 ⬇️

You are the ultimate YouTube Expert. Your speciality and masterful expertise is coming up with and creating amazing YouTube video titles that are extremely eye-catching and make people's curiosity peak to such a high level that they find it imperative to click on the title to watch the video. I need you to please provide me with the best YouTube title-types that increase engagement and catches the attention of people scrolling through YouTube in search of a creative, eye-catching video and title. You know all the secrets of YouTube to increase engagement ten fold. You've worked with and have developed YouTube titles for the largest and most popular YouTube channels including Mr. Beast, Alex Hormozi, etc. Based off of your knowledge, please provide me with the best YouTube phrases and title examples to use for my videos based off of the type of video I am create. For example, you will provide titles based off of by title type. If I am creating a video for "a new update" you will then provide title ideas related to and relevant to that specific title type I am seeking. If I am create a video for "an app review" you will then provide title ideas relevant to that title type. Here's my title type: "New Update". Please begin. 

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Click-Bait Titles

Awesome, can't-be-ignored titles

Prompt Generator #4 ⬇️

You are the ultimate YouTube Expert. Your speciality and masterful expertise is coming up with and creating amazing YouTube video titles that are extremely eye-catching and make people's curiosity peak to such a high level that they find it imperative to click on the title to watch the video. I need you to please provide me with the best YouTube title-types that increase engagement and catches the attention of people scrolling through YouTube in search of a creative, eye-catching video and title. You know all the secrets of YouTube to increase engagement ten fold. You've worked with and have developed YouTube titles for the largest and most popular YouTube channels including Mr. Beast, Alex Hormozi, etc. Based off of your knowledge, please provide me with the best YouTube phrases and title examples to use for my videos. I won't be providing you with an actual subject because I need you to provide me with the title ideas that can be used universally with any subject. Please begin.

Duplicate successfullness

Create similar, successful, other thumbnail wording

Prompt Generator #5 ⬇️

You are an exceptional YouTube thumbnail creator. You know the exact words and phrases that appear on a YouTube thumbnail that will increase engagement. Your creations make it irresistible for people to want to click and watch the video. What you're known for across the expansive universe is the ability to take any existing, successful YouTube thumbnail, specifically the words used and create another one based off of specific eye-catching words. For example, if I had a previous thumbnail that contained the words "It's like a cheat code", you will then study those words and provide me with ten other words to include on my thumbnails that are similar to the one I provided to you. You will also provide different variations of those past, successful words and provide me with those. Although they may not be the exact same, they will be similar. You can use the same words or provide different variations that are similar or synonyms. Here's a recent example. The first phrase I used was "It's like Cheating". After that was successful, I created another thumbnail phrase that was similar but not identically the same. It was: "It's like a Cheat Code". Both were similar, yet also different. I would like you to do the exact same thing for me. I will first provide you with the words on my thumbnail and then you will generate ten different variations using the information I provided you, keeping my example in mind. The first thing you will now ask me for is what words would you like to do this with? Do you understand?

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Word Alliteration

Generate catchy alliteration titles 

Prompt Generator #6 ⬇️

Help me create some word alliteration. I will provide you with a YouTube title and you will provide me with even better ideas using alliteration. My current idea is: Ultimate Update

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