A series of prompts that generate and engineer prompts for Leonardo AI, Midjourney and Adobe Firefly

Prompt Generators for Leonardo AI, Midjourney and Adobe Firefly

Turn ChatGPT into a prompt engineering machine. These prompts generate prompts.

Mega Prompts Database

3,500+ prompts, prompt generators, AI images, SEO, content & more

🔥 Buy 1500+ ChatGPT Prompts, only $8.97

Want more (and better) Leonardo AI and Midjourney prompt generators + a ton more? Get instant access to 1500+ prompts that continue to be improved and updated weekly or daily. 1500+ today, 5000+ within a year. 

The prompts that keep growing and keep giving. We're crafting, editing and creating prompts non stop to add to our Airtable database. 

Many of these prompts are our own, or revised from other generous creators. We've researched and meticulously crafted the best prompts to consolidate them into one, organized and structured place so you wouldn't have to. 

🍿Act as
🚀 AI Art
🤖 Prompt Generators
✅ Marketing
🤖 Content, Social Media
✏️ Blogging

Subscribe to our YouTube page to learn how to use all of these prompts. 

What are prompt generators?

Bookmark this page and check back often because we'll be adding more prompts here, too. 

Prompt generators (or prompt engineering prompts) are prompts made with ChatGPT that actually generate prompts. For example, take the Leonardo AI Finetuned Model Prompt. Here are some steps you would follow...

  1. Copy/Paste prompt into ChatGPT
  2. Provide ChatGPT with the subject, i.e. "supercar"
  3. Done! ChatGPT will then provide you with a series of (multiple) prompts you can use for Leonardo AI or other apps like Midjourney, Adobe Firefly, etc. 
Prompt Generator for Leonardo AI and Midjourney

ChatGPT Prompts for SEO and Content Creation
Price: $44.99
5,000+ prompts and counting. Once you click submit, you will immediately see two links. 1: A PDF download that will automatically download with instructions and links to your prompts. 2: A direct link to the Airtable prompts database.

Prompt Knowledge

Trying to keep up with the best prompts, newest updates, and latest features can be overwhelming. AI is moving so fast and we understand that. That's why we spend countless hours creating a knowledge hub on our YouTube channel. 

Buy these ChatGPT prompts for SEO, AI art and prompt generators
ChatGPT prompts to buy, 1000 of the best prompts
Photorealistic Prompt Ebook
Prompt Generator for AI art for Leonardo AI and Midjourney
AI generated image created with prompt generator of lost astronaut

Coming Soon: Photorealistic Prompt Ebook

Want to be the first to know when it becomes available? Just let me know below. 

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